Are you unwittingly losing a fortune in lost sales, lost profits and lost revenue each month, due to these three big mistakes?
The first big problem facing coaches, consultants, small business owners and professional service suppliers is the cash flow rollercoaster…
Where one month your business is riding high, with plenty of appointments; projects, and money is rolling in to your business.
And, the next month you plummet straight down. This is where things become stressful. Because business is slow or stops, the phone stops ringing and emails from prospects and clients stop.
There are no new client appointments; invoice payments from clients are late. Projects that you are counting on fall through. And, you’re completely stressed about money.
This can happen because of seasonal fluctuations, or sometimes because of a completely unforeseen life or business event, that you have absolutely no possible way of planning for.
If you’ve ever ridden the cash flow roller coaster, you will remember how it makes you feel…
It keeps you in a constant state of struggle, where you struggle to get new clients. You struggle to pay your bills, and you’re worried that your business might crash.
But many times the cashflow rollercoaster is simply because you don’t have enough quality leads.
The second big problem is invisibility.
If you are great at what you do, but you struggle to get enough clients…
Or, if you’re feeling frustrated that your business is a best kept secret, and you’re not earning enough income, because your ideal clients don’t know that you exist.
It’s because you are not standing out from the competition, as the ‘go-to’ person, or company in your industry.
It is no longer enough, just to be good at what you do — it is now completely necessary to STAND OUT as the ‘go-to’.
And when that happens — you’ll become the obvious choice to your prospects and ideal clients.
The third big problem, is not having client acquisition strategies that work.
It’s no secret that many of the advertising; marketing strategies and tactics that once worked so well, have now lost their effectiveness in today’s over saturated, highly-competitive world of business.
And, in some industries the old school methods have completely stopped working altogether, because today’s prospects have become more sophisticated; they are too busy, and more skeptical.
And, as a result old school advertising and marketing methods, are no longer welcomed by many prospects.
This is the worst news for your competition, as they continue to struggle to use obsolete methods, just to try and survive.
But this is good news for you…
The free guide below reveals what you must know, to attract the ideal clients you want, without spending all your time on prospecting or marketing. (Click the image below to get access).
Written by
Dave Newton